Why You Should Ask the BIG Questions

It’s a shame some people think so little of themselves that they literally cannot see a new outcome to their lives. We all know someone who is not living up to their potential (or as I’d call it, living in their CAPACITY), & watching them waste away their days is heartbreaking & hard to understand. Why can’t they just get over whatever it is there stuck on? Why can’t they see what you see in them?

I have know someone who I see greatness in. She’s smart, kind, beautiful, loving, interesting & adventuress. She’s pretty amazing.

But she doesn’t see herself that way. She lives in self hate, self blame & under a constant cloud of negativity, draining her of any form of happiness. She sees her state as hopeless. I see it as a road block. Easy for me to say, I know – I have no idea what it’s like to be her, to live in her shoes. Yes, it’s true. But I do know living darkness is no way to live & that no one – NO ONE – can get her to see the light, but her.

When living our lives we see only what’s in front of our eyes – our family, our friends, our neighbors & the lives they live. This creates a model of what’s expected from our own lives. If the neighbor got a raise at his corporate job you congratulate him & wish it for yourself, secretly too. Part of this “keeping up with the Jones’” is part of our culture – we want what we don’t have. But do you ask yourself: “Do I really WANT that promotion?” Or how about: “Do I really WANT to work in this corporate job at all?” Or how about: “Do I really WANT to work for someone else?”

We don’t ask ourselves these BIG questions often enough, or sometimes at all…

& I find it sad.


What happened to the questions we were asked as children?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I’ve got news for you – When it comes to asking the BIG questions, you are never too old!!!

Know that you have POWER in you to change your circumstance, if you’re not truly happy.

Know that you DESERVE to be truly happy.

(Yes, you do. As a matter of fact, it’s your birthright!)

Know that you have untapped skill, resources, love, creative drive, strength, passion, energy, greatness within you. You have no limit on what you’re made of.

Know that you CAN dream like a child again. You can think so BIG it seems absolutely crazy.

You can BE anything when you grow up.


Know that BIG, CRAZY, BEAUTIFUL dreams really do come true, each & every day. (But you must BELIEVE).


“It doesn’t matter where you came from or where you’re at now, as long as your eyes look forward. Propel yourself towards greatness, because you already have it within. It’s time to live in your capacity.”

Janet Sutton

Live Your Capacity Founder, Trainer & Coach

WEBSITE: liveyourcapacity.com

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Liveyourcapacity?ref=hl

CONTACT: liveyourcapacity@gmail.com

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